About Us
Friedrich Wiehser
Friedrich Wiehser
started to be a falconer at the age of 14 at a
bird of prey station in Lawer Austria. Besides his
apprenticeship as artificial glazier, he persued
his hobby more an more intensively, so that some
time after completing his apprenticeship he turned
his hippy into a profession. Falconry took him to
Germany, England and Italy, among other places,
where he was responsible for the breeding and
hunting training of the birds of prey. After these
years as a professional falconer, falconry became
a hobby again and he increasingly began to fly his
falcons in companies with his English Pointers,
which he successfully bred himself. Later, a
Saluki bitch was added as a hunting companion,
with whom he founded his Saluki kennel (www.falconers-dream.com).
Hunting trips took him to Hungary, the Czech
Republic, Italy and even to Russia, where he was a
welcome guest with his falcons and dogs.
He is always happy to
pass on his many years of experience in training,
keeping and breeding birds of prey. For this
purpose he founded together with Michaela
Peterseil the Österreichischer Jagdfalkenhof
(Austrian hunting falcon station) in 2007, where
he passionately passes on his knowledge and skills
to interested parties
Since 2009 he breeds professionally falcons under
the name "Falconers Dream".
Michaela Peterseil
Michaela Peterseil is an
enthusiastic sighthound owner and came to falconry
through her Saluki.
As an Opera dramaturge, then legal assistant and
now online shop owner (www.sofahund.at),
she is responsible for administraion at the
Österreichischer Jagdfalkenhof and helps with the
training of the falcons, thus constantly expanding
her knowledge.